In September of 2023, New York Governor Kathy Hochul passed legislation that required all public schools to close in honor of celebrating the Lunar New Year across New York state. Due to the holiday falling on a Saturday last year, this year was the first time the law went into effect. As of 2025, New York is the first and only state to close schools for the Lunar New Year, but more states should require schools to close for the holiday.
According to the official website of New York, Governor Hochul said, “By designating Lunar New Year as an official school holiday, we are taking an important step in recognizing the importance of New York’s AAPI community and the rich diversity that makes New York so great. It is not just a day off from school – an opportunity for our children to learn about and celebrate their own or different cultures and traditions.”
States should pass legislation like New York has to allow Asian Americans to celebrate this important holiday. The AAPI community should not have to wait to celebrate the holiday after school.
A report from the Pew Research Center shows that “Chinese Americans are the largest Asian origin group in the U.S., making up 24% of the Asian population.” “The United States Asian population is projected to reach 46 million by 2060.” Asian Americans make up such a large part of the U.S. population, and they should be able to have the entire day to celebrate Lunar New Year.
Lunar New Year was celebrated this past Wednesday, January 29th, and is among the most essential celebrations in various Asian countries (especially important in China). It marks the beginning of spring and a new year on the lunisolar calendar.
Contact your state’s governor and tell them schools should close for the Lunar New Year.