On January 20, 2025, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States.
He immediately declared 26 executive orders, says the Washington Post. One of the primary focuses of these executive orders was establishing Trump’s foreign policy. The United States withdrew from the WHO, and the Paris Climate Treaty. Withdrawal from these organizations could have dangerous consequences for the nation.
The World Health Organization was established in 1948 with the purpose of protecting the health of all human beings through diplomacy. According to The WHO, their organization has nearly eradicated polio, reduced deaths from tuberculosis by 40%, and managed global cooperation during the Covid-19 pandemic. A New York Times article refers to how Donald Trump has unfairly blamed the WHO for the pandemic. By pulling out of the WHO, the United States has put every citizen at risk. If the WHO was not present during the Covid-19 pandemic the disease would not have been noticed until significantly later, the vaccine’s development would have been delayed, and social distancing rules would have not been enforced, as displayed on the WHO’s official website. The organization has long maintained the safety and health of the human race and withdrawal of the United States could cause even more deaths in the event of another pandemic. Compounded with the appointment of anti-vaccine RFK Jr. as Secretary of Health, The United States is putting itself into a risky position for a potential future health crises.
Temperatures across the globe rise each year according to the NOAA. The Paris Climate Treaty, established in 2016, aims to limit global warming and protect the planet against pollution. Since their creation fossil fuel use has fallen considerably across developed nations with the exception of China, and global warming has begun to plateau. Once again in combination with the appointment of climate change denier Lee Zeldin as director of the EPA, the United States could see a new increase in fossil fuel emissions contributing to global warming due to the withdrawal. Though an increase of 2° seems negligible, effects ranging from natural disasters like the LA fires, reduction of agricultural production, and rising sea levels could put the nation at risk.
Withdrawal of these two global organizations would negatively impact our safety and economy. There are still those in politics that will listen to their constituents. Contact your congressman today and make a change for your community.