Have you ever wondered what Mrs. Schmidt’s day looks like? The bell rings, signaling that our seven-hour day is about to start, but it begins way before that for Schmidt.
The student’s day starts at exactly 7:33 am, but for Schmidt, her 40-minute car ride to the school is her time to catch up on podcasts, book studies, and any important phone calls, then usually arriving around 6:40 am.
Her mornings are unpredictable but often start with addressing staff issues such as coordinating substitutes with her team or attending last-minute meetings. “It’s one of those jobs where no two days are the same,” she shares.
Regardless of how busy she is, being able to greet the students in the morning with a warm welcome is something she looks forward to each day.
Fall and Spring are the most hectic times of the year. From managing any issues from the beginning of the year to course selection and graduation, she has a lot on her plate. “It’s all about being able to put out the fires,” she said, which is her best way to prioritize what’s most important.
When she isn’t attending meetings or planning with staff, Schmidt likes to check in with the students and teachers in classrooms. Schmidt values her time to connect with students as best as she can. Believe it or not, her favorite thing to do in the day is attend her 7th-period lunch duty. She said, “Lunch is that one time of the day kids can relax and really be themselves.” Seeing everyone so happy and comfortable is something she strives to create in her community.
Schmidt finds it rewarding to see the students in a different light at the after-school events. She claims that she sees a different, more lively side of them that usually wouldn’t be seen in school.
Hosting paint out in the schoolyard was something that had never been done before, but also was something she wasn’t expecting to go so well. She saw how the students were able to fully soak in the moment as well as be respectful. She would like to see more of this event in the future.
Being the principal of Hershey High School doesn’t just consist of meetings and phone calls— it’s about creating a positive and welcoming environment for students and staff. Each day is different, but Schmidt tackles it with positivity to ensure that Hershey High School is a place where everyone can succeed.