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The student news site of Hershey High School

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The student news site of Hershey High School

The Broadcaster

A screenshot from the official Friends twitter:

Friends: The one with the reunion special

Abbey Rogers, Photography Editor May 21, 2021

The hit show “Friends” was aired from 1994 to 2004, making the show have 10 seasons. Now there is a reunion, Friends: The Reunion, special airing May 27, 2021, on HBO Max. The...


Connecting with Friends Without Seeing Them… How Does That Work?

Alexis Moodie, Brand Manager April 23, 2020

Why is connecting important? Connecting is important because it allows for social interaction in a time where physically being with other people is unsafe. Without connection our isolation can cause...

Then & Now- Best Friends

Elaina Joyner, Reporter May 21, 2019

Often we have that one person we couldn't live without. The person we can count on for everything. Our best friend. Students at Hershey High School share stories of their best friends from their childhood,...

Seniors at Hershey High School, Olivia Reid, left, and Emily Reilly, right, pose for a photo together. Reid and Reilly have been friends since 6th grade and have always been super close. (Broadcaster/Elaina Joyner)

International Friendship Day

Elaina Joyner, Reporter July 30, 2018

If you love your BFF, International Friendship Day is the perfect day to celebrate them. This year, International Friendship day takes place on Monday, July 30, 2018. It is meant for best friends...

The HersheyPark stadium will be hosting a variety of different concerts this summer. Harry Styles, Zac Brown Band, Journey and Def Leppard, and Macklemore and Kesha have all been announced as part of the summer concert series. (Broadcaster/Clare Canavan)

Summer concert survival guide

Clare Canavan, Copy Editor June 10, 2018

Good music surrounded by 30,000 people who love the same artist that you do. This sounds like a perfect scenario, but it can also be a daunting one. However, there are many tips and tricks that...

HHS sophomores, Clare Canavan and Kate Clark, have been best friends since they were six years old. Some of their favorite things to do together are cheer, shop, and travel the world with their moms. (The Broadcaster/Claire Sheppard)

HHS celebrates National Best Friends Day

Claire Sheppard, Copy Editor June 8, 2018

Friday, June 8, 2018 is the last day of school for HHS underclassmen, but it is also National Best Friends Day. This day is dedicated to show your best friend how much you appreciate them. It is the...


10 Rainy Day Activities

Bella D’Adderio, Managing Editor June 10, 2017

As the hot summer months are now here, the rainy days will be sure to follow. If you’re looking to get the most out of these dreary days, below are ten activities that will be sure to keep you occupied. Rainy...

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)

Netflix Necessities: Top 15 Most Bingeable Shows (Part 3)

Madi Held and Shanna Sweitzer, Reporter April 21, 2017

“Play next episode” button at the ready. Ask anyone what they’re doing on a Friday night. They might say they’re going to a party or hanging with friends, but in reality, they’re probably...

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