October Athlete of the Month Needed Surgery
January 23, 2019
She won’t let a chipped bone slow her down.
Hershey High School junior Shealyn (Shea) Tatara and October athlete of the month is headed into surgery for a old injury. Tatara is a starting varsity player for the Hershey High School field hockey team. She encountered an injury to her foot and needs to get surgery, but that’s not stopping her from playing.
Tatara’s injury began in 7th grade. However, doctors didn’t find it until this year. She is now in a boot and rides on a scooter throughout school.
After surgery, Tatara said that there will be a 100% recovery rate and will be going to physical therapy to help heal her foot.
Even though she was in a boot, Tatara was still playing in the games but not practicing. Tatara usually starts in middle, but is starting in center back, so she doesn’t have to run as much.
“I like to contribute to the team by playing center back,” Tatara said, “because I like having control of the back field and telling people where to go.”
Aside from her foot injury, Tatara has many positive things going for her. Tatara verbally committed to Duke University this past April to continue her field hockey career.
Tatara said, “The coaches are really nice, and the team is good at field hockey.”
Along with playing field hockey, she will be majoring in nursing. One of the reasons why Tatara chose Duke was because it was one of the top nursing programs.
“After my surgery,” Tatara said, “I’ll be back in no time and be ready to play for high school and college.”