Two Boys Arrested for Killing 500k Honeybees

Alexis Moodie, Layout Editor

Two Iowan boys have been arrested for vandalism of a honey business.

The boys, aged 12 and 13, are suspects for the vandalism of the Wild Hill Honey farm in Sioux City, Iowa.

The vandalism caused $60,000 worth of damage. The criminals knocked over all 50 of the hives on the farm killing all the bees.

They also destroyed a lot of equipment used on the farm; however, police reports show that nothing was stolen.

The farmers story drew national and international attention. The public gave tips about the possible criminals which helped to find the two boys.

The boys have been charged with criminal mischief, agricultural animal facilities offences, burglary, aggravated misdemeanour and possession of burglar’s tools.

These are honeybees like the ones killed in Wild Honey Hill farm. The boys killed all the bees that were on the farm last season, but the farm is going to start another hive this coming spring. (Brad Smith/CC BY-NC 2.0)