Outrage sparked after YouTuber posts video of apparent suicide victim
January 9, 2018

Logan Paul, 22-year old YouTube star, is currently facing heavy criticism for his video of the hanging body of a man who has committed suicide.
The video, titled “We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest…” sparked outrage due to his disrespectful treatment of a dead body. When he spotted the body from afar, Paul continued to videotape every moment occuring after. He films morbidly up-close shots of the man with a blurred out face, pointing out his discolored hands and contents of his pockets.
The controversy is seen throughout the entire video, but the internet seems to be most distraught over his immediate reaction. After the clips of the dead body, Paul talks about himself and the thoughts in his mind. Paul then says, “Suicide is not a joke. Depression and mental illnesses are not a joke…this just became very real.”
He offers brief advice for people with mental illness, stating that suicide is not the option. Less than a minute after his discussion, Paul makes a joke to his friends about standing next to a dead guy.
The video reached over 600,000 likes before being deleted by Paul from his 15 million subscriber channel. While the original was deleted, two copies of the video were featured as #2 and #20 on the trending page shortly after, before being deleted by Youtube, according to Business Insider.
Paul later went on to apologize through both Twitter, on January 1, and YouTube, the following day, claiming that his intentions were to raise suicide awareness. The 1:45 minute apology became #1 trending with over 20 million views by January 3.
In the video, he discusses his regrets and goes on to apologize to many groups of people, especially the victim and his family. Paul also tells his generally young group of supportive fans to refrain from defending his actions, as he believes they do not deserve to be defended. While his video is serious (and arguably sincere), it is monetized, so Paul makes money by apologizing for his actions.
Since the apology video, Paul has told his 3.9 million Twitter followers that he is taking time to reflect and would not be posting vlogs for now.