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Hurricane Iota Attacks Central America

Abbey Rogers, Photography Editor November 28, 2020

Category 5 Hurricane Iota ripped through Central America on the evening of November 16 with top wind speeds of 160 mph and 20 inches of rainfall, CNN reports. The National Hurricane Center projects...

As cold and flu season approaches, experts have tips on how to stay healthy. Once someone is sick, there are a number of tricks experts have to getting better faster. (Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

How to beat the common cold

Kieri Karpa, Layout Manager November 30, 2017

Every mother in the world has told their kids “put on your jacket or you’ll get a cold,” and science says there may be something to the old wives tale. Though the actual sickness of the cold...

During La Niña, winds from the east push warm surface waters to the western Pacific. However during El Niño, winds weaken and warm surface water flows back to the eastern Pacific. Source: Tampa Bay Times

El Niño Weakens Through Spring

March 14, 2016

By: Maddie O’Shea El Niño has already created a major blizzard in Pennsylvania, but forecasters don’t believe the storm is over quite yet. Recently, NASA released photos of a Jason-2 image...

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