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The student news site of Hershey High School

The Broadcaster

Editorial: University Students Shouldn’t Need to Live in Moldy Dorms

Kate LaCoe and Emma Quillen May 31, 2019

This past fall a student at the University of Maryland began to fall very ill. It wasn’t due to a common virus or a bug, but to mold in student dorms. The University failed to alert students early enough,...

Allergies sweep the state, as spring begins. Spring officially began on March 20th and is expected to bring its usual allergy symptoms along with it. (Broadcaster/ Keela Delves)

Five Ways to Ease Allergies This Spring

Keela Delves and Emily Massage April 5, 2019

Spring has begun and that means allergy season has too. Everyone knows how bothersome it is waking up in the morning and having a sore throat, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. These tips will help you combat...

This infographic illustrates more ways in which you can prevent getting the flu. These five ways have been effective in preventing the annual flu. (Kaiser Permanente Thrive)

Tips And Tricks For Preventing The Flu This Holiday Season

Emily Massage and Keela Delves December 10, 2018

The winter is right around the corner and everyone is getting excited for the holidays. Although it is the time of year most known for joy and happiness, it is also flu season. Many students fall victim...

As cold and flu season approaches, experts have tips on how to stay healthy. Once someone is sick, there are a number of tricks experts have to getting better faster. (Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)

How to beat the common cold

Kieri Karpa, Layout Manager November 30, 2017

Every mother in the world has told their kids “put on your jacket or you’ll get a cold,” and science says there may be something to the old wives tale. Though the actual sickness of the cold...

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