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The student news site of Hershey High School

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The student news site of Hershey High School

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Garden Club Harvests Vegetables at First Meeting of School Year

Garden Club Harvests Vegetables at First Meeting of School Year

Ashley Bu, World editor September 11, 2023

The Hershey High School Garden Club harvested 77 pounds of vegetables from their first meeting of the year on August 30. During the meeting, the club planted multiple species of vegetables, such...

Photo Essay: HHS Garden in Bloom

Photo Essay: HHS Garden in Bloom

Emma Quillen and Kate LaCoe May 31, 2019

The Hershey High School Garden, planted and maintained by the Garden Club, is in full bloom. Located behind the LGI, the Garden is home to a variety of flowers and vegetables including onions, cauliflower,...

The garden, located outside of Hershey High School’s cafeteria, will be filled with many new warm weather crops. Ioffreda says that most of the previous years’ crops had success, but they are excited to try many new ones this upcoming spring. (Broadcaster/ Claire Struck)b

New Season for Garden Club

Caroline Corcoran, Julia Cream, and Claire Strucko April 12, 2019

The Garden Club is one of Hershey High School’s newest clubs. As the spring season approaches, the members of the club are preparing for the harvesting and planting season. Club leaders, seniors...

The broccoli waits to be planted. This was just one of many cold weather produce that were planted on April 21, 2017, and that won’t be harvested till late spring. (Broadcaster/Echo Rogers)

Garden Club’s First Day Planting

Echo Rogers, Feature Reporter April 25, 2017

April showers bring May flowers. For Hershey High School’s Garden Club, they hope instead that April showers bring more vegetables. On April 20, 2017, Hershey High School’s Garden Club planted...

Garden Club Hosts Autumn Gardening

Marisa Balanda, Editor in Chief October 7, 2016

Fall is in the air, and the Garden Club is in full swing. On Friday, October 6, Hershey High School hosted the Second Annual Community Day. During this morning of specialized activities, many...

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