HHS students show off fall fashion

Elaina Joyner, Reporter

Fashion is a big part of a high schooler’s day. For 180 days, a student has to decide on their outfit for the day depending on various factors such as the weather, gym class, or internships. With this fall season’s weather ranging from 50-85 degrees, students’ fashion varies greatly. This fall season at Hershey High School (HHS) is full of skirts, jeans, flannels, dresses, and sport shorts.


Left to right, Maria Goldman, Kaitlin Christ, Evie Gentile, Grace Murray, seniors, pose for a quick photo to show off their fall outfits. Goldman rocks a Boston University shirt with casual jeans. Christ wears a jean skirt with a t-shirt and a flannel to add some pizazz to her look. Gentile styles a simple pink and white striped shirt with jeans for the school day, while Murray put on jeans with a striped shirt and a vest. All four wear various types of casual shoes to match their outfits. (Broadcaster/Elaina Joyner)


HHS students dress to impress with their trendy outfits

HHS students show off their trendy shirts

HHS students show off their stylish outfits along with fashionable shoes

Students match their fall outfits with a perfect pair of shoes

As this season’s weather has changed from having frost in the morning to being 75 degrees making the fashion trends ranging from shorts to a sweater. Every high schooler makes the decision of what they are going to make their own unique fashion statements.