New studies support coffee’s health benefits
October 17, 2017
The long debate over coffee’s effects may be finally over.
School has officially started for students all across the nation. That means waking up earlier, going to bed later trying to get work done, and drinking coffee. Several new studies have found several long-term benefits to drinking coffee.
37% of teenagers drink at least one cup of coffee a day. The United States is one of the top 26 coffee consumers in the world according to The Telegraph, and with people from almost every age group drinking some form of coffee everyday. In a report done by Bloomsburg, the average millennial, ages 19-34, started drinking coffee at the age of 14.7. With millennials consuming nearly 44% of all coffee in the U.S., it’s not a very surprising fact.
Though grabbing a coffee is typically more of a social event for younger generations, there are many health benefits of the drink that are now being researched according to The Washington Post.
A study done by the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that drinking more coffee could significantly lower a person’s mortality risks. The study was done of over 520,000 people in ten different European countries, making it the largest study on coffee done to date.
Essentially, the study followed the group of participants for over 16 years and found that those who consumed the most amount of coffee per day also had significantly lower rates of mortality than those who consumed no coffee.
It seems like more and more studies are coming out every year commenting on the positive effects of drinking coffee. Some studies have found correlations between drink three to five cups of coffee a day to reducing risks of melanoma, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, liver disease, prostate cancer, multiple sclerosis, and many more pains and diseases according to CNN.
That being said, many coffee studies are done with 8-ounce coffees. The average “grande,” or medium, coffee at most coffee shops is 16-ounces of coffee. These studies show positive correlations to drinking coffee, but not proven facts according to Forbes. Studies have been done proving the effects coffee has on the prevention of health problems, but studies have not been conducted proving whether or not coffee can reverse health related issues.
And while more and more studies are coming out everyday about the health benefits coffee can provide, there are a few drawbacks of drinking coffee everyday. Caffeine is a stimulant which can accelerate someone’s heart beat. For people who have irregular heartbeat or hypertension, it is recommended that they keep their coffee intake to one to two cups a day or a maximum of 16-ounces.
However, these studies do provide some insight into potential positive effects of coffee. The high antioxidant rates found in coffee may help to lower rates of inflammation within the body.
“Many are naturally occurring antioxidants found in the coffee bean, while others are created during the roasting process. It’s these compounds that science links with positive effects in reducing the risk of several diseases,” according to CNN.
Every year, new studies are being done on the effects coffee can have on one’s health, and the information can be a bit contradictory. However, the majority of the current research published shows there are more positives than negatives associated with drinking coffee.