Freshmen Spring Fling Comes to Hershey High School

Freshman Andrew Hahn prepares to give his presentation about his idea for administrative approval. He received feedback about the Spring Fling from students before presenting to the administration. (Submitted by Andrew Hahn)

Freshman Andrew Hahn prepares to give his presentation about his idea for administrative approval. He received feedback about the Spring Fling from students before presenting to the administration. (Submitted by Andrew Hahn)

Kaitlyn Kelley, Reporter

Andrew Hahn, a Hershey High School freshman, had come up with an idea.

Hahn came up with the idea known as a “Freshmen Spring Fling.” A spring fling is a school dance that would be a replacement for freshmen since they are not allowed to attend prom unless asked by an upperclassman. It would cost six dollars to attend.

The dance would consist of activities such as dancing, photo booths, a badminton tournament, and of course, lots of snacks. There would also be volunteer teachers or parents to chaperone.

Hahn’s overall objective is to make funds for the class of 2020 to use in the future for things like class trips or prom, and to start off the next school year with a decent amount of funds. In order for this event to be possible, the class of 2020 will also hold other fundraisers such as a car wash, bake sale, or Chipotle fundraiser to earn the necessary funds for the dance.

Hahn ran an informal student survey, and 48 out of 50 freshmen said that they would attend the dance. Some also suggested that the spring fling be a girls ask guys dance. Hahn liked the suggestion and took it into consideration.

He spoke with the class officers and then took the idea to administration.  

Hahn is hoping to move forward with his idea. If the administration gives him the final approval, he wants to have morning announcements created and flyers hung up around the school.