Hershey vs. LD Boys Soccer
October 3, 2016
Hershey Loses Against LD in Boys Soccer

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 the Hershey was defeated in a 2-0 boys soccer game against Lower Dauphin.
The first goal was made by Ryan Becher, midfield player number 6. Bechers goal was assisted by player number 2 Timmy Townsend, also midfield. The goal was scored during the first half.
Townsend made another goal for LD later in the first half, bringing the score up to 2-0. However, there were numerous times that the Hershey team would’ve made scoring goals for the night.
Although the Hershey team is devastated after another loss against LD, they hope to beat them in the future with practice and teamwork.

“All we need is practice,” said senior Chris Donegan, varsity soccer player.