By: Madison Held
Power Train has been spreading quickly not only in Hershey High School but throughout Dauphin County as well.
At Power Train, sports performance training is individual training in a group setting. Performance “coaches” or trainers evaluate clients on their strengths and weaknesses. The program then provides them with not only personalized programing based off of the sports they play, but also coaching that leads every set within every rep.
“Power Train offers the athlete a competitive edge over competition and shapes a positive lifestyle for others not competing in sports,” said performance coach Kevin Antol from the Hershey Location.
At Power Train athletes have workouts written for them that pertain to their sport(s). Each sport presents a different muscle group that is key to focus on. Along with that, it’s also important that one strengthens the surrounding muscle groups as well. According to performance coach, Dustin Arnold, this will help an athlete gain a competitive edge that they are seeking to perform at a higher level. Once that higher level is reached it builds confidence that will help not only with sport performance but with everyday life as well.
So how does one start their journey of workouts at Power Train? Arnold said it all starts with goals and mindset of dedication. Arnold himself initially started with his own goals. After having a serious shoulder injury six years ago and dreading physical therapy he was introduced to Power Train. “My first session with Power Train left a lasting impression, and I continued as a client for the next six years,” said Arnold.
During Arnold’s last year at Power train he was approached about becoming a performance coach and took the offer. From that day on Arnold’s goals changed from being about himself to being about his clients. As a trainer, it’s Arnold’s job to help his client’s reach their goals. Within this motivation is key for both trainers and clients.
Arnold explained that motivation and pushing clients the extra mile is all about the sense of belief that trainers try to instill through each workout. “At some point during a workout the client will fail, but we make sure they fail at the correct time considering that a quality fail,” said Arnold.
According to Arnold, a failure on a particular set, rep, or workout, sets goals to keep the client going for the next time. “After someone fails they have something to work towards, and that alone helps them go the extra mile,” said Arnold.
For Antol, trying to get his clients motivated is different for each individual. He explained that he takes a look at what drives them to push them harder and use that to motivate him or her towards success. Antol said he tries to put all he has into helping others achieve their goals. “It is extremely important for me to understand different motivation techniques. Working with all types of people makes my job that much more enjoyable, and I love figuring out what it takes to encourage people towards success,” said Antol.
Part of a client’s motivation may just be the environment of power train itself. Antol explained it as one of a kind atmosphere, a place where student athletes, professional athletes, and adults gather in the same setting to do a common thing – achieve their goals. “The Energy is high and atmosphere is positive,” said Antol.
Arnold agreed saying that the setting of Power Train is intense when it needs to be, and no matter what there is always high energy. “The atmosphere at Power Train may be my favorite part of this job,” said Arnold.The environment allows the trainers to relate to each client in some way, which creates a comforting feeling when someone is trying to reach a personal goal explained Arnold. “The atmosphere is no doubt one of the key components as to why it is such a success,” said Arnold.
Hershey High school senior and Power Train member, Lauren Lechleitner, agreed. She said that the setting is her favorite part. “It’s serious yet fun. Plus you get to see all your friends and workout with them,” said Lechleitner.
As a recent commit to La Salle college for Field Hockey, Lechleitner joined Power Train to get in shape and stronger for her seasons to come. Power Train is much more beneficial than other options mainly because there is always someone motivating you and pushing you to do better Lechleitner said. “Every single trainer is always telling you to keep it up,” said Lechleitner. That being said Lechleitner would recommend Power Train to anyone who is interested even if you don’t do sports.
Antol agreed saying that everyone needs a positive influence in their life and someone that looks past boundaries and encourage improvement and a successful lifestyle. For Antol, Power Train is all about building relationships, establishing goals, and achieving results. “I believe everyone needs Power Train; they just may not know it,” said Antol.
As for Arnold, he would recommend Power Train because he thinks every individual has a feeling of purpose while working towards their goals. “Everyone has something they are striving to achieve, and we can create the process to help you reach that goal,” said Arnold.