Trojan Buddies Track and Field schedule

Ava Sheppard and Grace Catalone

On Friday, April 21st, Trojan Buddies are hosting the second annual Trojan Buddy Track and Field day.

All volunteers and buddies will go from 5th period to 6th period lunch to get food for the day! Afterwards everyone will meet outside on the track. You will hangout and eat with your athlete before the games begin!

All athletes will participate in the 100 meter dash, softball throw, and long jump. There will be several heats in between each activity so your athlete has time to relax. 

Teacher challenges will also be occurring. Some include “junk in the trunk” challenge, 3- legged race, and a sack race! More fun events and activities will take place. 

This event will only occur during school hours so dismissal time stays the same, 2:35 pm.

After having weather issues at the event earlier in the year, hosted in the gym with activities such as face painting, bounce houses, and game stations, Track and Field day will aim to add to the success of this event from previous years.  

Having met the buddies at the earlier event, students that are part of the club will meet with their same buddy and help them with events.