Hershey Public Library Hosted National Novel Writing Month Events

Natalie Taylor, Head Layout Manager

The Hershey Public Library has hosted events throughout November to celebrate National Novel Writing month.

Every Friday at 3 pm, teenagers from sixth grade and up are welcome to the library to work on their own novel. The library also provides prompts for those who are unsure what to write about.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is participated in by authors around the world. YouTubers who make book commentary videos also participate in the event as well. It is not limited to just teenagers.

According to Hershey High School sophomore, Aria Aubrey, “the hardest part has been how stressful and time consuming it is to meet your count goal everyday, but the best part is how satisfying it is to have written 50,000 words at the end of the month.”

If you’re interested in attending next year or have any questions, contact Kendra Mase at kmase@derrytownship.org or call 717-533-6555. 

NaNoWriMo’s official YouTube account posted a video on how to officially end the month. Every year, authors all over the world participate.