DTSD Announces September Athletes of the Month
October 24, 2019
The Derry Township School District has announced the male and female athletes for the month of September. Receiving this acknowledgement are two seniors, Maddie Zimmer and Teagan Therit.
Field Hockey player, Maddie Zimmer, is no stranger to athletic success. By the end of her high school career, she will finish with 102 goals, two MidPenn Championships, a state championship, and three Keystone division preseason Player of the Year awards.
In regards to her senior season, Zimmer said, “My favorite memory from this season is scoring a hat trick and beating Palmyra in the same game.”
Unfortunately, Zimmer will not be playing with her team in postseason due to an ACL injury.
She plans on furthering her academic and athletic career by studying business and playing field hockey at Northwestern University.

Hershey Boys Soccer senior and goal keeper, Teagan Therit, is the male athlete recognized for the month of September.
Therit has been playing soccer for 14 years. During his senior season, Therit has accomplished 12 shut out games out of their 17 game regular season.
Therit highlights his favorite memory of the season as their win against the previously undefeated Palmyra Cougars. He also said his proudest moment was, “saving the intense penalty kick against Lampeter Strasburg with five minutes left.”
He plans on going to college to study business or marketing and participating in club sports.