HHS freshman Joey Still makes District lacrosse squad
May 24, 2019
“It was definitely frustrating and difficult at first,” said freshman Joey Still, “I remember not wanting to go to some preseason practices because my skills were so behind everyone else’s.”
Hershey High School freshman Joey Still previously played football and baseball but wanted to try something different. He decided to try lacrosse, a sport he had never played before.
“I wanted to try and challenge myself with something new,” said Still
, “I knew it was going to be difficult, but it was something like I’ve never done before.”
Still chose to do lacrosse because his friends Jameson Stanley and Brock West were playing as well.
“I was really excited when Joey told me that he was gonna play lacrosse with me,” said Stanley.
Joey had always wanted to play lacrosse when he was younger, but he was always discouraged because he thought he wasn’t going to be good at it.
“Lacrosse always looked interesting to me,” said Still, “but I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the school by being so bad.”
Once Joey decided to play the game, he started to really enjoy it. Joey realized though that he was gonna have to work hard if he was going to play.
“I remember spending hours outside of my house throwing the lax ball around,” said Still “I really wanted to get better so I’d be able to make the team.”
The first game of the season was against Central York. Joey got to play during this game.
“I was super nervous during my first game,” said Still, “At first, I would immediately pass the ball when it came my way.”
A few games later Joey was comfortable with the team and the sport, but he was still hunting for his first goal.
“I will never forget what I was feeling when I scored my first goal, it was like all of my hard work had come together in that single moment,” said Still.
Joeys determination was one of the key factors to why he picked up the sport so quickly.
“I remember one time when we were younger me and Joey went snowboarding and even though he kept falling he always got back up and kept trying,” said Stanley, “ even if Joey would fail he wouldn’t give up, he doesn’t quit on anything.”
One of Joey’s main motivations was him wanting to be better than people who are just naturally talented at the game.
“I wanted to out do kids who have played for years but put forth no effort and don’t try,” said Still, “I wanted to show others and also myself that with a little bit of heart I could do anything.”
Joey being motivated and determined weren’t the only reasons that he picked up the game so quick, he also worked extremely hard throughout the season.
“Joey would always work super hard during practice,” said West.
One of Joey’s favorite games was against State College. The team was down four to one. It looked like the game was going to be a blowout until Joey got onto the field.
“When Joey got out there he started playing his heart out,” said freshman spectator Jake Kloss, “Joey went out and scored which really got the team clicking.”
After he scored the team really started to get going rattling off 3 more goals to take the lead and win five to four.
Joey Still ended his first lacrosse season with 10 goals.
“I’m very happy with how this season turned out,” said Still, ”and I can’t wait for the next three.”