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The student news site of Hershey High School

The Broadcaster

A man sits with an “I stand with Planned Parenthood” sign in his hand. PA Governor Tom Wolf spoke to the crowd and offered his continued support of abortion rights and a woman's right to choose. (Broadcaster/Mia Caldonetti)

“Bans off our Bodies” protest draws more than 1,000 in support of abortion rights

Mia Caldonetti, Reporter May 25, 2022

More than 1,000 gathered at the Pennsylvania Capitol Building in Harrisburg on May 14, 2022 to protest the possible overturning of abortion rights. Despite light drizzle, the protesters listened to...

Adam Fagen/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Editorial: US Justice Department Rightfully Sues Texas over Abortion Ban

Jenna Reiber, Copy editor September 17, 2021

Having to cross state lines to get an abortion is the new reality for women. Additionally, those women who do seek an abortion out of state could still be prosecuted under Texas law.  Thankfully, Attorney...

Editorial: Women Should Have the Right to Abortion

Jenna Reiber, Reporter October 21, 2019

Around 68,000 women die worldwide due to unsafe abortions, that are without doctors or sometimes with no medical experience every year. That is nearly five times the population of Hershey.   Women...

Multiple anti-abortion laws seek to challenge Roe v. Wade

Talon Smith, Reporter May 28, 2019

Several pieces of legislation regarding abortion are appearing across the United States with the intention of overturning Roe v. Wade. On May 15, Alabama’s government passed an abortion ban, with...

A woman leaves a polling station after casting her vote in the referendum on the 8th Amendment of the Irish Constitution, in Dublin, Ireland, Friday May 25, 2018. The referendum on whether to repeal the country's strict anti-abortion law is being seen by anti-abortion activists as a last-ditch stand against what they view as a European norm of abortion-on-demand. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

How one woman’s death lead to Ireland’s abortion rights campaign

Kieran Hogan, Reporter May 30, 2018

On May 25, Ireland overwhelmingly voted to repeal their eighth amendment, lifting a long-standing ban on abortion. However, it took the death of one woman to kickstart the campaign for abortion rights...

In this Monday, July 17, 2017 photo, Meg Stern, left, and other escort volunteers lined up outside the EMW Women's Surgical Center in Louisville, Ky. The clinic’s fate will be decided after a 60 day brief from both sides. (AP Photo/Dylan Lovan)

Kentucky Battles for Abortion

Katie Jones, Reporter November 17, 2017

Kentucky could become the first state without abortion clinics after a three day trial taking place November 14-17. If the clinic loses, they may appeal the decision to the US Supreme Court. The...

President-elect Donald Trump, joined by his son Baron, second from right, and wife Melania, greets Vice-President-elect Mike Pence as he arrives on stage during his election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Grave Consequences of 2016 Election

Brooke Daniels, Copy Editor January 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s election will affect all Americans, and many have voiced their concerns of detrimental effects on our nation. Economically, Trump will be a danger to the American middle class and workers,...

The Fight for Pro-Life

March 1, 2016

By:Lydia Gould Jewels Green was just a teenager when she found out she was unexpectedly pregnant. At the time, she was pro life and wanted to parent the child, but her current boyfriend and family convinced...

Pro Choice: The Right Choice

March 1, 2016

By: Mason Benovy In a country that prides itself on freedom, the United States has many citizens eager to take away a woman's basic right to her body. Being pro-choice is the only logical stance for...

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