HHS Announces March Students of the Month
March 27, 2018
HHS seniors Megan Sassaman and Veda Chanda were announced as March Students of the Month.
These students are chosen by the department chairs based off of academic and extracurricular criteria.
Sassaman, the female winner, plans to go to the University of Maryland to study engineering. Currently, she is undecided, but will most likely major in Fire Protection engineering and minor in international engineering.
Sassaman said she would have never thought that she would major in engineering. At first, she was afraid to ask questions because she was the only girl in the class, which she said was intimidating. However, learning to not be afraid to ask questions has led her to where she is now.
As an athlete, Sassaman said Hershey has many coaches that have helped her become stronger in her sports, such as Coach Emily Bancroft and Coach Al Fricke. She said they have taught her that she can accomplish anything if she keeps her mind in a positive perspective.
“It’s mind over matter,” Sassaman said.
Veda Chanda plans on studying medicine and investing in stocks in his future. He is going to Johns Hopkins University to study molecular biology.
Chanda started and is expanding an organization that converts disposed materials into art to raise money for refugee children.
Chanda said, “When I retire, I want to open schools in third world countries and stimulate the global economy through education.”
To gain experience in the medical field, Chanda shadows at the Penn State Medical Center through the Healthcare Career Exploration Program (HCEP).
“Hershey’s close knit community feel has given me the space and comfortability to grow. Everyday, when I shadow at the hospital through the HCEP program, I learn more about the field of public health and medicine. I gain a broader understanding of the world through the stories of my patients,” Chanda said.