Kentucky Battles for Abortion
November 17, 2017

In this Monday, July 17, 2017 photo, Meg Stern, left, and other escort volunteers lined up outside the EMW Women’s Surgical Center in Louisville, Ky. The clinic’s fate will be decided after a 60 day brief from both sides. (AP Photo/Dylan Lovan)
Kentucky could become the first state without abortion clinics after a three day trial taking place November 14-17. If the clinic loses, they may appeal the decision to the US Supreme Court.
The EMW Women’s Surgical Center is the last abortion clinic in Kentucky. However, they are suing the state of Kentucky after legal documents have fallen short of requirements.
CNN reports that Kentucky’s only abortion clinic, EMW Women’s Surgical Center, could be shut down due to the state’s shortcomings with a transfer agreement. Transfer agreements are contracts between the abortion clinic and the hospital explaining that the hospital will treat the patient in the case that something at the clinic goes wrong.
In past years, a signature approving the transfer agreement from the hospital’s head of the obstetrics/gynecology department was enough, but now the state insists EMW clinic needs a hospital’s CEO signature. No hospital in the area has agreed. If the clinic is unable to get a signature, it will be shut down.
Lawyers for EMW allege in the lawsuit that the state has implemented similar unnecessary medical concerns to clinics in the city with relation to abortions.
Co-founder of EMW, Dona Wells said, “The standards are just outrageous.” Wells along with others believe that it is so absurd because emergency rooms are required to accept anyone, regardless of a transfer agreement.
Criticism has been directed at Republican Gov. Matt Bevin accusing him of being in the background of all the restrictions, however, spokesman of the Bevin Administration, Doug Hogan says otherwise. He wrote, “The Bevin Administration is working diligently to protect the health, welfare and lives of women in Kentucky.”
According to, the state and EMW Clinic will both have 60 days to present a post trial brief. The judge will determine whether the dispute will be taken all the way to the Supreme Court.