Final Round of French Elections
June 2, 2017

On May 7th, France voted for Emmanuel Macron to be the next president of France. The second tour was between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two candidates who got the most votes in the first tour of the election on April 23rd. Macron beat out Le Pen by nearly two- thirds of the votes in the second tour.
Macron is 39 years old, the youngest head of state since Napoleon. He is a pro-European Union centrist who was unknown in politics until about three years ago, according to the Telegraph.
The presidency is his first time holding an elected office. In his victory speech, Macron stated, “I will defend Europe; it is our civilisation which is at stake…I will work to rebuild ties between Europe and its citizens.”
Macron is married to his former teacher, Brigitte Trogneux, who is 24 years older than him, according to USA Today. She was his drama teacher at a Jesuit high school in Amiens in 1993, and married with three kids, when he was fifteen, says the newyorker. Now Macron and Trogneux are married; they have no children together, and Macron had no biological children of his own, but he is close to his step-children who have helped him in his campaign, and he has step-grandchildren.
According to the New York Times, Macron supports immigration into France because it may help the economy as well as boost culture and education. He also supports accepting refugees, but with limitations. Macron wants to help with Muslim integration in France and will allow religious garments, such as burkinis.
“Secularism is at the heart of the French national pact. It is a principle of freedom which allows, in public space and republican fraternity, living together in the respect of one another. The republic must allow everyone to live in the intensity of their convictions, as long as doing so does not interfere with the convictions of others or with established rules,” said Macron.
Unlike his opponent, Macron believes in keeping the euro as currency. He also believes in remaining in the European Union rather than pulling out.
According to the New York Times, Macron stated, “The European Union remains the best guarantee of peace on the Continent.”