Weekly Batch of Bach Special Edition: The Women Tell All
March 10, 2017
In every season of ABC’s The Bachelor, there is a special edition of the show a week before it’s finale. For this episode, the women who have been sent home on the current season return to a talk show with Chris Harrison. There are arguments, behind the scenes clips, and a lot of other entertaining things. Even the bachelor himself makes an appearance, and the second runner up is usually down for a serious talk with him as to what went wrong.

This episode was filmed quite recently, even after the show had ended and Nick picked a winner (or there’s the possibility of choosing no one). Therefore, seeing Nick happy is a good sign because that means he’s probably really satisfied with his decision even though we don’t know who it is yet.
This episode started off with Chris introducing each of the girls, which either prompted cheers or even some boos from the audience. Clips of Chris and Nick crashing The Bachelor viewing parties in California homes were hilarious. The hoards of girls at a sorority absolutely flipped out when Nick walked into their house. They danced and took a ton of pictures, so it was great.
The first person in the hot seat was Liz. Oh, Liz. She shouldn’t have even come on the show. Liz had a thing with Nick before, but nothing came of it. She explained that she went on the show to see if she and Nick had a chance, but it didn’t work out. Liz was actually quite mature about the situation, despite what bachelor nation might think of her. Even the rest of the girls cheered her on. They really admire her as a person, which I think changes a lot of people’s perspectives of her, including mine.
Taylor vs. Corinne
Taylor took the hot seat next and did her best trying to explain herself. Already most of the girls were talking over each other, ranting about different things. That’s when Corinne left the room and came back with a glass of champagne. Classic Corinne. She’s honestly so entertaining.

Some of the girls were attacking Taylor’s behavior on the show given the fact that she has a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling. She had to defend her intelligence and abilities, which made her get quite emotional. She even mentioned that things Corinne had said about her on the show have given Taylor a bad reputation. Corinne wasn’t even sorry for what she did. Jasmine and Josephine were really backing Corinne up in attacking Taylor. Personally, I am not a fan of Taylor, but they were being pretty harsh. Corinne accused Taylor of starting the feud between them, and that’s when Corinne got in the hot seat.
After they played a montage of her acting immaturely throughout the show, Corinne explained that her behavior was solely to get Nick’s attention. She didn’t care about what the other girls thought of her. She only cared about Nick which is always the mindset of a few girls each season.
While everyone was arguing about how Corinne took a nap during a rose ceremony, Taylor took the time to apologize to all the girls she may have offended. Corinne refused to accept it at first, but ended up forgiving her in the end. There is definitely still bad blood between these two though, for sure. To finish, Corinne had what her nanny always made for her, “cheese pasta,” to hand out to everyone including the audience. Good finish.
The highlight of Kristina being in the hot seat was her emotional story. They replayed a clip of the dramatic moment from her one-on-one with Nick when she opened up about her past, which made Kristina start to cry along with most of the girls. They didn’t even really talk about Nick. It was mainly about her story and how she was so happy she made the right decision to come to America. Some of the other girls stepped in saying what an inspiration she was and how everyone should strive to be as lovely of a person as her.
Enter Nick
After admitting how nervous he was, the first thing Nick talked was asked about was the infamous Corinne. He admired Corinne’s ambition and the conversation between the two of them was surprisingly very mature and friendly.
He got choked up when talking to Kristina because of how sad it was for him to let her go. He spoke of how he admired her story and that he is happy that she came to America because it gave them the chance to meet. Then Kristina asked Nick some of her her own questions about what she had done wrong because she felt such a connection with him. He responded that there was just something missing from their relationship in comparison to the other relationships.
That’s when Danielle L. jumped right in and was pretty straightforward with Nick. She asked why she was sent home when hours earlier he had admitted that he saw himself getting engaged to her the most out of all the other girls. He apologized with empathy and stressed the idea that he never meant to hurt anyone, especially since he had been in their shoes twice before. He also mentioned how he had simply just felt like the other relationships were stronger.
Chris then asked Nick what is was like to switch roles this time around. Nick responded saying it was such an honor and pleasure to be the bachelor, but it was a very difficult process. Jasmine then asked if he had found the love he was missing and he said he couldn’t share anything and didn’t want to spoil the finale.

The New Bachelorette: Rachel Lindsay
Rachel looked great and was given so much love from the audience and all the other girls. She explained that she hopes to find the guy she’s looking for and really wants the show to end well. She also explained how thankful and honored she was to be the first black bachelorette. However, she mentioned that the fact she is the first black women as the bachelorette is not her main focus. Her main focus is to find love.
Later, Chris brought Nick back out to sit and talk to Rachel. He acknowledged how happy he is that she will get this experience and that he hopes it works out for her.
They then aired a preview for next week’s finale and it looks like it’s going to be a rollercoaster. Come back week for our review of this season’s finale!