Grave Consequences of 2016 Election
January 23, 2017
Donald Trump’s election will affect all Americans, and many have voiced their concerns of detrimental effects on our nation.
Economically, Trump will be a danger to the American middle class and workers, and he will do the opposite of what he promised the public. There are millions of jobs he promised Americans that will not be fulfilled. On top of that, the ever so great wall he promised will not be built. Trump has also promised a major tax code overhaul, repeal and replacement of Obamacare, renegotiating or “breaking” of the North american Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), stopping hedge fund managers from “getting away with murder” on taxes, reforming the Veteran’s Administration, and imposing import tariffs as high as 35%, according to On the Issues.

President-elect Donald Trump, joined by his son Baron, second from right, and wife Melania, greets Vice-President-elect Mike Pence as he arrives on stage during his election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
Whether you like it or not, Trump has quite the plan of what he will do during his four short years. Never mind the fact that it is all while keeping the national debt in check, growing the economy and leaving entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security untouched. Immigration continues to be a major pillar of his campaign, and he has moved on to the question of Muslim immigration as well, saying he wants them “gone”, according to NBC.
Trump will not only struggle extremely to economically help America or financially support any of his promised campaign slogans, but he will also be a mess for women’s health. To start, Trump has had many different stances on abortion over the years. In 1989, he held a pro-choice fundraiser. In 1999 he said he was pro-choice but “hates it.” And, he didn’t declare himself anti-abortion until he started toying with the idea of running for president in 2011. He doubled down on his anti-abortion stance in 2015 when he announced his run for candidacy. He even went as far as to say that “there should be some form of punishment” for women seeking abortion, before walking back on those comments. He supports outlawing abortions allowing exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.
Along with Trump being a danger to the middle-class, he is an actual suspected predator to young girls. For months, people have wondered why this case isn’t getting more, if any, attention in the press, even now that Trump faces an actual court date: a December 16 status conference with the judge, according to the New York Times. The allegations aren’t entirely implausible on their face. The accuser says Trump raped her repeatedly at parties thrown by since-convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was widely known to throw wild parties with young women and girls. Epstein was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and served a small portion of an 18-year sentence, according to the Huffington Post.
Trump, elected into America’s old-fashioned way of democracy, will bring nothing but hurt to the United States of America.
Nancy Nightwine • Jan 23, 2017 at 12:53 pm
Brooke,I just read your article, Grave Consequences of 2016 Election
Brooke Daniels, Copy Editor
January 23, 2017
Filed under Politics
What I love about this country is that we have freedom of speech and you have the right to voice your opinion. As a copy editor do you see anything wrong with the second sentence in your article?
Robert Sterner • Jan 26, 2017 at 12:58 pm
Nice catch on the error! We strive for perfection, but will fall short from time to time.
Thanks for reading!
Nancy Nightwine • Jan 31, 2017 at 9:08 pm
Thank you for reading my reply.