Claps For Nexus Open Mic Night
December 8, 2016
A perfect mix of art, music, and literature brings people together this one night.
Nexus, the literary arts magazine club at Hershey High School, hosted another fantastic Nexus Open Mic Night in the HHS LGI on Thursday, December 1. Starting around 5 PM, the event was full of talented artists from every range. The night was alive with sound, motion, and beautiful masterpieces.
The Chocopellas, a group of HHS students, started the night off with singing traditional christmas music such as “Jingle Bells” and “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey. Senior Maggie Lane belted out some beautiful high notes for the audience’s enjoyment. This acapella group had brought an upbeat start for the event.
Up next was senior Hannah Simmons with an original piece of writing. The writing had entailed dark twists and the human wants and needs, intriguing the entire audience until the last word. Senior Emily Higgs had also brought an attention grabbing original short story to play. The story had entailed a personal insight and description of the Greek mythology story of Persephone and Hades. Not only did her writing captivate her audience but also her expressive speech had brought impressment as well.
Senior Elizabeth Abraham, co-president of Nexus, had also participated in this event by singing “All of Me” by John Legend with junior Twisha Bhardwaj as a piano accompaniment. The solo had highlighted both Abraham and Bhardwaj’s musical talent as every note was played.
Not only had Abraham showcased her talents, but junior Dane Hoover brought a little attitude with an original song “Stress and Pressure” and an instrumental piece by Jimi Hendrix. With his electric guitar, Hoover had also surprised everyone his with low, enticing voice that added the cherry on top to his extensive guitar playing.

Derek Dietz, the advisor of Nexus and English teacher at HHS, displayed some of his college writings about his personal experiences and also his limitless imagination. Dietz was very comfortable and spoke with ease as he presented these works of literature, adding to the overall casual and creative emotion that was present at Nexus Open Mic Night.
The audience was not prepared for junior Audrey Stinson. Stinson had shocked the crowd with a stunning drum solo, leaving everyone’s mouth open at the end. The solo was a cool, upbeat rhythm with a few tricks such as playing the drums with her hands behind her back. Not a common sight indeed.
There were many other amazing performers who attended brought their talents to the spotlight. The night had ended with, however, a flash fiction story by Aparajita Rao. A story that is meant to convey deep meaning and symbolism with only a few sentences, this flash fiction brought the night to a satisfied close.
The performers had all been applauded and praised as the audience came to congratulate each one. Along with the performers, the audience could enjoy a snack or two at the concession stand and also buy a handmade Nexus t-shirt for comfort. The night had been successful.
Nexus hopes to see everyone at the Nexus Arts Night held in the spring, including not only live performances but also art stands and showcases. Hoping to bring together creative body and minds, Nexus hopes to continue Nexus Open Mic Night for many years to come.
“It’s all about sparking that burning fire that inspires you to try and create something,” Dietz said, “The results are fascinating.”