HHS Sophomores Think Dating is Out
December 6, 2016
Snapchat streaks are in. Dating is out.
Talking and dating are two terms one will hear quite frequently in any high school or young adult setting. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word talking as “To say words in order to express one’s thoughts, feelings, or opinions to someone.” Although if one were to ask most high school students what “talking” means in romantic terms, they would supply a very different response. According to Hershey High School sophomores Nate Shaw, Mayah Nicholson, and Vaughn Nortier, talking and dating are more similar than they are different.
The difference between talking and dating seems unclear. Now it appears that when younger generations are referring to two people going on dates, they are said to be “talking.” So why has this changed from the previous lingo for couples?

“Talking is just something people do so that they can leave their options open and not feel attached to someone,” said Sophomore Nate Shaw.
All three students agreed with Shaw and said that there was a definitive difference between the two terms. Are students too scared to go the extra mile and call it “dating”?
“The intent is always something more when talking, and both of the people realize that, so it’s still serious,” Nicholson said.
According to these students, dating does not mean what it used to be. Students say talking is a casual interaction with someone who they are interested in that may or may not include “hanging out”. Talking is so casual that one can even do it with students from other schools over Snapchat, direct messaging on Twitter and Instagram, and texting.
The students agreed that talking allows both sides of the couple involved to be more lenient with what they do.
While talking, it’s acceptable to hang out with other people. However, the intent while talking is more serious, and both participants realize that.
Nortier added, “Talking is not as serious of a relationship, and you just don’t have the commitment of the relationship on you.”
Dating is now a new level of relationship, according to the students interviewed. They stated how dating is the official confirmation of a relationship instead of students’ mutual friends just knowing about it. Nicholson and Shaw, both involved in serious relationships, said there is still a such thing called dating.
All three HHS students were in agreement that there are important steps before two people date. Talking comes before dating, according to Nortier, and it is a very important step. A lot can go wrong quickly. After and during talking is when a possible couple will be called a “thing” said Shaw, referring back to his relationship timeline. After the stage of a couple being a “thing”, the two begin to date if all goes well, explained Nicholson.
Nortier said, “Dating is a thing of the past in general, but some aspects of it are still prevalent today.”
According to HHS students, going on dates is something our age simply does not have time for. Is the 21st century’s, fast-paced, on-the-go world to blame for dating’s demise? Several students say yes.
Nicholson made a final remark about dating, saying, “People talk more than they date because they are scared of the commitment part of it and want to see what’s out there.”