The Art of Self-Recruiting
October 7, 2016

On Friday, October 7, 2016, Community Day was held at Hershey High School. Community Day is a half day that gives multiple options for students to attend different sessions. In one session, the new athletic director, Mr. Govern for HHS talked about college recruiting. Govern went over four main points about the process of it all.
“Attitude,” said Govern.
Govern explained that it’s all about the way you act around the college coaches. He said that there are a lot of things that come into play when it comes to attitude. When Govern was a coach he looked for how kids handle themselves when they succeed or fail.
Sophomore Carter Christopher agrees. “I believe it can be really nerve wracking at times when talking to someone who could decide the path that you take in life, but you just have to remember to stay calm and always be focused on your goal,” said Christopher.
This isn’t the only point Govern went over. He also covered the organizational part of recruiting. He was very specific with the types of strategies to always stay organized.
Sophomore Justin Swinko said, “I like the idea of keeping a chart of the college coaching contacts in order to keep record of conversations.”
“Be sure to cover all your bases, and to always keep the doors open,” said Govern.

(Broadcaster/Carly Carrasco)
Throughout the session Govern repeatedly stated the importance of always keeping your doors open just in case. He explained that not everything always works out so you need to be sure that you have a second and third choice. When it comes to covering ‘all the bases’ Govern was talking about applying to both Division 1, 2, and 3 schools if possible.
Govern said, “It can become costly, but if you’re able to send information out to all divisions then you should take advantage.”
There are many points Govern went over and explained that if a student athlete has a realistic goal and can self market themselves, you have good potential with a future in sports.
“It’s never too late,” said Govern.