HHS Student Opinions on Trump Revealed
September 22, 2016
Ambition, ego, money, and power- all words one newspaper believes one man can have.
The book Trump Revealed was published on August 23rd, 2016. It was written by over 2 dozen writers from the Washington Post who crammed the book with court records, financial data, lawsuits, and Donald Trump’s great and poor business decisions. According to Christian Corado, Senior at Hershey High School, and Eric Krieger, also a Senior at Hershey High School, the Washington Post greatly despises Trump due to the lack of respect he gives them. This ties into an idea USA Today had, which was that most of the book negatively affects Trump and could sway the reader into supporting another candidate during this election.

Although USA Today states that the book could change the reader’s opinion on Trump for the worse, a question that has come up is “will the reader be open-minded and believe what is being said?”
“I’m not saying the book is false but there is a bunch of mad writers because Trump isn’t too nice to them, so they are highlighting the bad stuff more than the good,” said Corado.
Corado also mentioned that he would let the book change his opinion but that he would like it to be proven that the words in the book weren’t twisted to misconstrue who Trump really is.
Although Corado believes that it is very possible for Trump’s words to be twisted in the book, Krieger seems to think otherwise. He agrees that the newspaper won’t agree with the majority of what Trump says, but since they are a professional paper he believes they wouldn’t twist the words of Trump.
“The Washington Post is a liberal newspaper, but I don’t think they necessarily twisted his words because they have to say how it is,” said Krieger.
Even though it is not known if the words of Trump were actually twisted, Donald Trump seems to think they were. According to MSNBC, Donald Trump is not happy about the book and is claiming the authors put inaccurate stories in it. Does he have the right to get mad even though he sat down for more than twenty hours of interviews just so this book could be written?
Corado mentioned that he doesn’t know what happened in the interview but that “anything could be possible.” He believes it is a possibility that the Washington Post could have blown his stories out of proportion making Trump look worse then he is.
On the other hand, Krieger thinks due to Trump releasing no proof the stories are false and there is no way Trump has the right to get mad unless that proof is shown.
“He doesn’t have the right to get mad because he hasn’t released any of his tax records, but he would have a right if he did release them,” said Krieger.
As mentioned earlier, Corado would like to see a book written about Hillary before he makes his final decision on which candidate he supports, even though he is currently a supporter of Trump. However, Krieger seems to know exactly what he stands for.
“I think it is important to have someone other than a rich white guy as our president and to mix things up a little bit for the good of our country,” said Krieger.
Krieger believes Hillary has a lot more experience compared to Trump, and that it is important to have a female leader in our country as well as forming more equality; something he does not think Trump is capable of doing. Therefore he does not think a book is necessary to help him make his final decision on choosing which candidate he supports.
Regardless of the negative feedback the book is given about Trump, he still seems to be capturing votes from many.