Hershey High School’s 12 Days of Winter Cheer was celebrated throughout the building in the month of December. Students and staff dressed in their Winter Cheer attire to participate in this school wide community celebration (Jamie Bean).
Hershey High’s social-emotional-learning coach, Jamie Bean, announced earlier this month via email and zoom the December 12 Days of Winter Cheer spirit theme days. From pajamas, denim, green, and twin day outfits, it was one to see when walking around in the halls of Hershey High School during the month of December.
Staff and student outfits here at HHS were either good or great! Some outfits included English teacher Derek Dietz dressing up on Feelin’ Frosty to resemble Frosty the Snowman, students twinning in identical red sweater outfits for Twin Day, and HHS Principal Lindsey Schmidt wearing a festive ugly sweater.
It was without a doubt that even the administration and the staff in the back offices behind the scenes were grateful to participate in this spirit month. The most participation for the adults was Jolly Jeans, which of course they loved since they could wear jeans.