5 Ways to Make Mother’s Day Special in Quarantine
May 7, 2020
This Mother’s Day is going to be different than it’s ever been before. Although there isn’t going to be any going out to breakfast, shopping in stores, and going out on the town, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be a special day. Even though quarantine might be taking away some of the usual traditions families have for Mothers Day, it’s giving families the opportunity to make new traditions. Here are 5 ways that Mother’s Day can be special while stuck at home.
1. Breakfast in Bed
In Quarantine, moms have been having to go out to grocery stores in masks, stocking up on food for their families, and then cloraxing the groceries to keep their families safe from COVID-19, so the least families can do is make her a special breakfast on her special day! Many families have the tradition of going out to eat on Mother’s Day, but this year it’s time to try something new and be the chef. If the dish needs to be ready early in the morning, Brit + Co said “The best way to do this on Mother’s Day is to plan an epic brunch (or tea party), complete with a ton of dishes you prepared in advance.” Their website has 20 different recipes ideas for pre-making brunch foods, so coming up with ideas shouldn’t be an issue.
2. Coupon Books
Since students aren’t at school for most of the day, at home there’s more dishes, laundry, and cleaning to be done. As a treat for mom’s, on Mother’s Day, make a coupon book full of tasks that she usually does. This will take some of the stress off her hands with having college students home, high school students home 24/7, working from home, or all of the above. Today said “Psychologists and labor experts agree that the coronavirus crisis is taking a greater toll on women — most notably on mothers — than it is on men”. Do all mother’s a favor and relieve some of their anxiety, by taking a little bit of her workload for her.
3. At Home Spa Day
Going along with the relaxation theme, spa days are the perfect way to relieve stress. Luckily, it’s easy to do this while stuck at home! “Having a spa day at home might not be your biggest concern at the moment, but it’s also a perfectly acceptable response to seek comfort in the control of a beauty routine.” said Glamour magazine. Have a bath drawn, pedicure tools ready to go, and face masks out since those are some great starting points for a mom’s spa day. For even more ideas Glamour’s article has a whole list of products that are spa day essentials.
4. Bake Together
The Los Angeles Times released an article on “Anxiety baking” — a concept that describes both worry-driven baking and its therapeutic benefits…”. This makes it the perfect relaxing activity to do this Mother’s Day. Recently, it has been popular to make bread at home then post the final results on Instagram, so make a Mother’s Day loaf and let Instagram see the final product. Baking is a great way to spend quality time with family, and you are able to enjoy the baked goods together in the end
5. Make an Appreciation Video
With all our newly found free time, make this Mother’s Day special with a video she will never forget. Go back and find a bunch of old videos and photos from special events, important days, or just any good memories. Next, download IMovie or another video making app. Lastly, combine all the photos and videos with a song that has a special meaning. “Many factors influence which moments from our past are remembered best, and the affect experienced during an event is an important contributor.” said the American Psychological Association. Quarantine is a great time to bring back these memories to remind everyone of the good old days, and eventually, the Mother’s Day video made in Quarantine will be a memory to look back on as well.