By: Shyanne Gaston
From the multiple iPhones, MacBooks, and the Apple watch, Apple Inc. has added another addition to the family.

The iPad Pro is the fastest Apple tablet so far, and the details put inside the iPad Pro gives consumers new abilities that were unable to be done on previous products. This new tech savvy product in addition to the keyboard and Apple pencil comes to a total of $1100.
The interior setup of the iPad Pro is unique within itself. It has 5.6 million pixels and an advanced Retina display. The 12.9‑inch screen offers 78 percent more display area than the iPad Air 2, and the has an operating system that allows for split-screen multitasking. According to Apple, Inc.,
“The extreme resolution, along with remarkably lifelike colors and deeper blacks, makes everything from photo editing to intense 3D games more vivid and deeply engaging.”
All these features combined with the Multi-Touch subsystem makes the iPad Pro the highest-resolution display of any iOS device. This Multi‑Touch subsystem was designed to accommodate both the touch of your finger and the Apple Pencil.
The Apple Pencil gives consumers a variety of different ways to be creative. If fully charged, consumers have up to 12 hours worth of scribbling, sketching, annotating, and editing. The two tilt sensors built within the tip of Apple Pencil detect the exact precision of your hand, so the Apple pencil works to be just like a regular charcoal or conventional pencil.
The magnetic cap of the Apple Pencil is a connector that lets you charge the Apple Pencil by plugging it into iPad Pro. When consumers plug the connector in the iPad Pro for fifteen seconds the charge is worth thirty minutes of usage. Charging is possible even when the iPad Pro is inside its Silicone Case.
Apple’s new and improved iPad Pro is doing well for itself, including bringing new aspects to society that has never been seen before.
Although the iPad Pro is having great success it is not perfect and still needs some work. In order to be the number one device for all technology needs, CNET Networks Scott Stein said,“The tablet needs more optimized apps and accessories before it can fully achieve laptop-killer status.”