Behind the scenes one group is hard at work for Hershey High’s students.
As the first month of the Hershey High School (HHS) school year is wrapping up, the 2018-2019 student council is already planning for upcoming events and brainstorming future ideas. Along with the returning members, new representatives and leaders will bring fresh ideas to the council this year.
Some of their ideas include possibly initiating a winter dance and a movie night in an effort to continue student council events throughout the entire school year.
The student council is made up of ten elected representatives from each grade and led by two senior co-presidents. Co-President Moxie Thompson said ensuring that the student council runs smoothly is important.
“Every week we have to plan meeting agendas and coordinate how we will split the responsibilities and decisions amongst the council so that we can get things done effectively,” said Thompson.
Co-President Katie Cocco also added that she is hoping for participation from all members of the council. She believes that every member has unique ideas and perspectives that can help the student council and our school progress.
Currently, the council has total focus on Homecoming plans. This year’s theme is “Super Heroes” or “Heroes of the community.”
The Homecoming Parade and football game is on Friday, September 28 2018, followed by the dance on September 29. The homecoming dance will be located in the cafeteria; attendees will have the opportunity to walk out to the outdoor patio area.
“Each grade is sponsoring a nonprofit throughout the year,” Cocco said, “so a portion of the ticket proceeds will go straight to a selected cause.”