This is not your average Christmas.
We’ve all seen the mainstream Christmas movies: Home Alone, Elf, The Santa Clause, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. We all watch the same movies every year, but what about a different one? What about a totally weird and flat out bizarre Christmas movie you didn’t even know existed? Here are just a few:

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)
Santa with Muscles (1996) PG
Santa works out?
Directed by John Murlowski, Santa with Muscles gives a whole different definition of Santa Claus. Hulk Hogan stars as a millionaire named Blake Thorn who made his fortune off of bodybuilding supplements and equipment. Thorn may sell these things, but he has also used these products on himself, hence the “with muscles” in the movie title. Thorn disguises himself in a Santa Claus costume when he becomes targeted by police. While evading the authorities, he bumps his head and gets amnesia. Later, he is mistaken as a mall Santa and begins to believe that he truly is Santa Claus.
While this movie has a twist on a Christmas icon, it becomes a huge adventure when Thorn has to save orphan children from an evil scientist played by Ed Begley Jr.

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)
Hercules Saves Christmas (2012) PG
This is one mighty dog.
Played by Anthony Robinson, Max Moogle is a 12 year old kid who doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong very well. In Hercules Saves Christmas, directed by Edward Hightower, Max meets a dog named Hercules who just so happens to be able to talk. Max doesn’t want to be on Santa’s naughty list and Hercules wants to do something about it. The dog and Max journey to the North Pole in hopes of convincing Santa to put Max on the nice list. While it may be a little weirdly unrealistic, this is a family movie for everyone.

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)
Krampus (2015) PG-13
He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake.
Director Michael Dougherty did a different take on Christmas: horror. The ancient legend of Krampus is about a half-goat half-demon figure that is the contrast of Santa Claus. This horned beast was said to punish the children who misbehaved. In the movie Krampus, Max Engel, played by Emjay Anthony, has no Christmas spirit due to his hectic family. As punishment for the lack of spirit, Krampus pays them a visit, sending the family into chaos. While the demon-goat is terrorizing them in their electricity lacking home, other adored holiday figures take on frightening forms forcing the family to work together in order to survive.

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) Not Rated
This movie is out of this world, literally.
On the version of Mars that director Nicholas Webster created in Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, the children have grown up watching TV shows from Earth. Their parents become worried that their kids are too wrapped up in this Earthly broadcasting. On their planet, they aren’t free to have their own thoughts and opinions. An 800 year old “genius” tells the Martians that the there was only one way to help the children: let them have fun. The Martian leaders then decide to kidnap Santa Claus and two human children as well. John Call stars as Santa in this movie that has an interesting twist on Christmas with an unearthly adventure.

(Photo Courtesy/IMDb)
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (1972) G
This isn’t a Christmas/Easter mashup.
Watching Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny is definitely a different way to celebrate the holidays. Directed by R. Winer, this film features a Santa Claus who finds himself on a Florida beach in his sleigh. A group of kids riding on a fire engine driven by the “Ice Cream Bunny,” pull up to Santa and try to assist him in getting his sleigh out of the sand. While Christmas is just a few days away, the kids start to get worried that Santa won’t be able to deliver their presents. To cheer them up, Santa tells them the story of Thumbelina. This extremely random story has gotten awful reviews on IMDb and has even been compared to Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, saying that Ice Cream Bunny is even worse.
While these Christmas movies are for sure bizarre, they all can still get you in the Christmas spirit this holiday season.