Hershey West End’s design sketch for outdoor restaurant and square. A planned 245 acre community in Hershey, PA the West End will have a mix of retail, hotel and residential spaces. (Hershey West End)
322 is Downtown Hershey’s highway. It connects with Chocolate Avenue, the heart of the town, and moves up to the Cocoa Beanery, U-Gro, Englewood, and many other family amenities. Right on the side of this road is a noticeable 245 acre construction project that will soon be replaced by 550 single family homes this coming summer.
The Hershey West End will not only be a new housing and apartment development, but also a tourist attraction in the form of commercial spaces. The West End will supply a number of retailers, businesses, and restaurants for visitors to shop and eat. Impermanent housing will also be an option with hotels, offices, and other work spaces.
The village is also going to be connected to the Jonathan Eshenour Memorial Trail with green area surrounding it, and the trail near BullFrog Valley Road.
The Cocoa Beanery has shown major cooperation with this new land design and is a major part of the advertisement for West End. Hershey West End is really proven quite excited to include the Cocoa Beanery Farmers’ Market, Café, and Art Fest. The Cocoa Beanery recently changed ownership as Loto Station, the LLC behind the adjacent Englewood, purchased the property according to PennLive.
Hershey West End plans to have a walkable neighborhood and anchor restaurant of its own. Their goal is to attract a “downtown” feeling in the heart of the development, with the real downtown only minutes away by drive.
Many are thrilled about the location of this project. The Derry Township School District has said through their School Board Vice President, Maria Memmi, that it does not think it will experience overcrowding and that Hershey will be a definite possibility as a school for new residents in the development.
It is also adjacent to the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and will become a housing opportunity for families with members in the Hospital. Since the target is family residents, U-Gro being next door is a great convenience.
Building off of the legacy of Milton Hershey, West End prepares to remember the town’s founder through their connection with the Christian Hershey Home, Hershey Trust Company, and The M.S. Hershey Foundation. The architecture is in partnership with Pittsburgh-based Urban Design Associates.