During the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19, there is an increase in kids, teens, and adults using technology. With the increased usage of devices, social media is also increasing the percentage of people who are susceptible to cyberbullying.
Various apps including Zoom, had already become the subject of strangers disturbing and hacking into important meetings and school online lessons to write down hateful and inappropriate comments.
With the online world, there is a limitless amount of targets that are prone to fall victim to cyberbullying, especially when parents are not paying attention to what their kids are doing on their devices during non-school hours.
According to Pew Research Center, data in the U.S. alone recorded that 53% of adults said that the internet played an essential role during the pandemic. Students have also increased their online time with friends and taking classes. Social distancing might’ve decreased the amount of physical bullying but with more and more kids turning to the internet for entertainment and school, reports of hate and toxic content online increased 70% since students transitioned to distance learning.
What Could Be Done To Decrease The Amount of Cyberbullying Occurring Online?
Cyberbullying Research Center provides cyberbullying prevention tops and intervention suggestions for teachers and parents.
Educators should help teach students to think before they send a text or feel the need to take action if they know cyberbullying is occurring.
By teaching students this, it can help them stand up against cyberbullying or prevent it from happening.