The risk of outdoor transmission of COVID-19 is lower than indoor, according to experts.
When meeting outside, even if someone is infected, dilution will occur. Dilution happens when the wind scatters the virus. While it may expose nearby people, it will be in much smaller quantities.

The smaller quantities are much less harmful experts said in interviews with the New York Times. A few viruses will be destroyed by the immune system immediately, and much more than that will be needed to take over the immune system
The World Health Organization said in an article by CNN that the virus doesn’t travel far in the wind and sinks quickly to the ground. The only biggest risk of being outdoors is surfaces like benches or tables, which can be avoided or wiped down.
Encounters with others may be worrying, but according to infectious disease specialist from Johns Hopkins University Dr. Amesh Adalja in an article by Slate, “Even in a health care setting, contact is defined by being near someone for a certain amount of time. I would not worry about these fleeting encounters. The virus isn’t airborne—droplets need to get from one person to another.”
When gathering outside, further limit the virus by practicing social distancing, staying six feet apart, and wearing masks.