In a press conference on April 3, Governor Wolf asked Pennsylvanians to wear masks anytime they leave their homes in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
“The only way we can cut the growth of this virus is to act as if we all have it,” said Wolf.
He warned that masks are not foolproof and that Pennsylvanians’ first step should be asking themselves whether or not they really need to leave their houses in the first place.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine provided additional guidance on masks.
“First, I want to emphasize that staying home is the most effective way to protect yourself and your family against COVID-19. But if you have to go out […] then wearing a mask […] could be an extra layer of protection,” Dr. Levine said, “Now, you do not need a surgical mask or N95 mask. We have to save those for our first responders and health care personnel that are on the front line in our battle against this dangerous virus.”
Wolf asked Pennsylvanians to instead use cloth or homemade masks in order to keep healthcare workers safe.
Resources on which masks to wear, as well as how to make homemade masks, have been created by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
“What is most important for Pennsylvanians to remember,” Dr. Levine said, “is stay calm, stay home, and stay safe.”