Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and PA Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine announced all of Pennsylvania will be under stay-at-home orders effective Wednesday, April 1st, at 8 p.m.
The first orders were made on March 23 and have since been extended to additional counties on multiple occasions.
“This is the most prudent option to stop the spread of COVID-19 across our commonwealth, where cases continue to grow daily,” said Wolf.
The stay at home orders are to continue through till April 30, as of Wolf’s April 1 press release.
PA schools are also to remain closed, as well as all non-essential businesses statewide.
The press release contains guidelines on following the stay at home order. Examples of activities permitted to continue involve maintaining the health or safety of household members. This includes grocery shopping and walking the family dog, assuming participants follow social distancing rules.
No end date to the stay at home order has been announced.