Recent Earthquakes leave Mexico devastated

Haley Daniels, Hershey Section Editor

Recent earthquakes in Mexico have left both the people and cities struggling.

The earthquake on Saturday, September 23 left at least one dead and toppled multiple buildings and homes that were already damaged, according to an article from Time.

The same earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.1, was located in Oaxaca state. Oaxaca state is near the town of Matias Romero, which is about 275 miles away from Mexico City, according to CNN and the US Geological Survey.

There were two additional earthquakes, one of 8.1 magnitude and one of 7.1 magnitude. The 8.1 magnitude quake occurred on September 8th, off the Southern Pacific coast, as said on CNN.

The damage done is irreversible and has left the people of Mexico in need of help.